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You Can Take On Garden Grove Red Light Camera Tickets And Win!
You may be one of the approximately 600 people per month in Garden Grove who receive a red light ticket in the mail. That little piece of paper could cost you more than $500 in fines and even more if points are counted against your record and your insurance rate increase. If you ignore the red light ticket from the Garden Grove Police the cost could skyrocket in additional fines and suspensions. You need to take your red light camera ticket seriously…
Before you send in that ticket you need to talk to the Garden Grove Red Light Camera Ticket Defender Scott Ball. Scott has an impressive record of challenging red light camera tickets and winning. Having Scott intervene on your behalf could save you hundreds in fines and insurance premium increases. Not only can Scott defend your tickets in the Los Alamitos Courts, he will save you time and headaches by keeping you out of court. That’s right you won’t even have to appear in court!
If you received a red light camera ticket in the mail you need to
Call Scott Today at 1-714-547-7500 or fill out the form on this site to get your immediate free consultation.
Scott Ball graduated from the University of Southern California Gould School of Law with top grades and was a member of the Southern California Interdisciplinary Law Journal. While attending USC, he clerked at both the Los Angeles County Public Defender’s Office and the Butte County Superior Court, where he gained first-hand knowledge of the inner workings of the criminal justice system. Prior to attending law school, Mr. Ball received his B.S. from the University of California, Davis.
More About Scott →
If you retain an attorney, it will not be necessary for you to miss several days of work to contest your undeserved traffic violation. Your attorney can make all appearances on your behalf.